Walker|Weltman Strategic Story Workshops help leadership teams decide what story to tell to who.

All companies and organizations exist as a promise made to the marketplace. Products and services are how companies and organization make good on their promise. And a brand is the reputation a company or organization has for delivering on their promise.

The Strategic Story Workshop is designed to be staged in an afternoon. — Typically the afternoon following morning talks. The Workshop begins with an hour and a half working lunch. After, Josh Weltman and Jim Walker will lead participants in a two hour roundtable exploring how the general principles talked about in the morning specifically apply to the environment, opportunities and challenges facing the company or organization. The group session is followed by as many 20 minute one on one interviews as schedules permit.

The Strategic Story Workshop concludes two weeks later when Walker|Weltman returns to present a report built on the team’s work and designed to answer three questions critical to the development of a successful brand story:

  • Who is the digitally native customer most critical to the company or organization’s growth?

  • What is the most bold and compelling promise the company or organization can make to that customer?

  • What products and/or services can best deliver on the promise?

The Strategic Story Workshop ends with Walker|Weltman’s recommendation of what story your business needs to tell to who to achieve your goals.